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Getting Backtraces in ROS 2

Goal: Show various methods for getting backtraces in ROS 2

Tutorial level: Intermediate

Time: 15 minutes

The following steps show ROS 2 users how to get backtraces when they encounter a problem.


What is a Backtrace ?

  • Imagine your program is like a stack of pancakes where each pancake represents a function it’s currently executing. A backtrace is like a photo of the collapsed pancake stack, showing you the order they were in, revealing how the program ended up with the failure.

  • It lists out the sequence of functions that were called, one on top of the other, leading up to the point of failure.

Why is it Useful?

  • Pinpoints the Problem: Instead of guessing where in your code an error occurred, the backtrace shows you the exact line number responsible for the crash.

  • Reveals Context: You can see the chain of events (functions calling other functions) that ultimately triggered the failure. This helps you understand not just where things went wrong, but also why.

Visual Analogy: Stack of Pancakes

  1. Each Pancake is a Function: Imagine each pancake in a stack represents a function that your program is currently executing. The pancake at the bottom is your main() function, where it all begins.

  2. Adding Pancakes: Every time a function calls another function, a new pancake is placed on top of the stack.

  3. The Crash: A crash is like the plate slipping out from the bottom of the stack – something went disastrously wrong in the function currently executing.

  4. The Backtrace: The backtrace is like a photo of that fallen pancake stack. It shows the order of pancakes (functions) from top to bottom, revealing how you ended up at the crash site.

Code Example:

void functionC() {
  // Something bad happens here, causing a crash

void functionB() {

void functionA() {

int main() {
    return 0;

Backtrace from the Crash:

#0  functionC() at file.cpp:3 // Crash occurred here
#1  functionB() at file.cpp:8
#2  functionA() at file.cpp:13
#3  main() at file.cpp:18

How the Backtrace Helps:

  • Crash Origin: Shows you the exact line in functionC() that triggered the crash.

  • Call Sequence: Reveals that main() called functionA(), which called functionB(), which ultimately led to the error in functionC().

The above example gave us a clear picture of what is a backtrace and how it can be useful. Now, the following steps show ROS 2 users how to get traces from specific nodes when they encounter a problem. This tutorial applies to both simulated and physical robots.

This will cover how to get a backtrace from a specific node using ros2 run, from a launch file representing a single node using ros2 launch, and from a more complex orchestration of nodes. By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to get a backtrace when you notice a node crashing in ROS 2.


GDB is the most popular debugger for C/C++ on Unix systems. It can be used to determine the reason for a crash and track threads. It may also be used to add breakpoints in your code to check values in memory at particular points in your software.

Using GDB is a critical skill for all software developers working on C/C++. While many IDEs have some kind of debugger or profiler built in, it is important to understand how to use these raw tools you have available rather than relying on an IDE to provide them. Understanding these tools is a fundamental skill of C/C++ development and leaving it up to your IDE can be problematic if you change roles and no longer have access to it or are doing development on the fly through an ssh session to a remote asset.

Using GDB luckily is fairly simple after you have the basics under your belt. Here’s how to ensure your ROS2 code is ready for debugging:

  • By using --cmake-args: The easiest way to include debug symbols is by adding --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to your colcon build command:

colcon build --packages-up-to <package_name> --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
  • By editing CMakeLists.txt : Another way is to add -g to your compiler flags for the ROS package you want to profile / debug. This flag builds debug symbols that GDB can read to tell you specific lines of code in your project are failing and why. If you do not set this flag, you can still get backtraces but it will not provide line numbers for failures.

Now you’re ready to debug your code! If this was a non-ROS project, at this point you might do something like below. Here we’re launching a GDB session and telling our program to immediately run. Once your program crashes, it will return a gdb session prompt denoted by (gdb). At this prompt you can access the information you’re interested in. However, since this is a ROS project with lots of node configurations and other things going on, this isn’t a great option for beginners or those that don’t like tons of commandline work and understanding the filesystem.

gdb ex run --args /path/to/exe/program

Below are sections to describe the three major situations you could run into with ROS 2-based systems. Read the section that best describes the problem you’re attempting to solve.

Debugging a specific node with GDB

To easily set up a GDB session before launching a ROS 2 node, leverage the --prefix option to easily set up a GDB session before launching a ROS 2 node. For GDB debugging, use it as follows:


Keep in mind that a ROS 2 executable might contain multiple nodes. The --prefix approach ensures you’re debugging the correct node within the process.

Why Direct GDB Usage Can Be Tricky

--prefix will execute some bits of code before our ROS 2 command allowing us to insert some information. If you attempted to do gdb ex run --args ros2 run <pkg> <node> as analog to our example in the preliminaries, you’d find that it couldn’t find the ros2 command. Additionally, trying to source your workspace within GDB would fail for similar reasons. This is because GDB, when launched this way, lacks the environment setup that normally makes the ros2 command available.

Simplifying the Process with –prefix

Rather than having to revert to finding the install path of the executable and typing it all out, we can instead use --prefix. This allows us to use the same ros2 run syntax you’re used to without having to worry about some of the GDB details.

ros2 run --prefix 'gdb -ex run --args' <pkg> <node> --all-other-launch arguments

The GDB Experience

Just as before, this prefix will launch a GDB session and run the node you requested with all the additional command-line arguments. You should now have your node running and should be chugging along with some debug printing.

Reading the Stack Trace

After you obtain a backtrace using GDB, here’s how to interpret it:

  • Start at the Bottom: Backtraces list function calls in reverse chronological order. The function at the bottom is where the crash originates.

  • Follow the Stack Upwards: Each line above represents the function that called the function below it. Trace upwards until you reach a line of code within your own project. This often reveals where the problem initiated.

  • Debugging Clues: Function names and their arguments can provide valuable clues about what went wrong.

How to Debug once your Node Crashes

Once your node crashes, you’ll see a prompt like below. At this point you can get a backtrace.


In this session, type backtrace and it will provide you with a backtrace. Copy this for your needs.

Example backtrace

(gdb) backtrace
#0  __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50
#1  0x00007ffff79cc859 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
#2  0x00007ffff7c52951 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#3  0x00007ffff7c5e47c in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#4  0x00007ffff7c5e4e7 in std::terminate() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#5  0x00007ffff7c5e799 in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#6  0x00007ffff7c553eb in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#7  0x000055555555936c in std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >::_M_range_check (
    this=0x5555555cfdb0, __n=100) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_vector.h:1070
#8  0x0000555555558e1d in std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >::at (this=0x5555555cfdb0,
    __n=100) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_vector.h:1091
#9  0x000055555555828b in GDBTester::VectorCrash (this=0x5555555cfb40)
    at /home/steve/Documents/nav2_ws/src/gdb_test_pkg/src/gdb_test_node.cpp:44
#10 0x0000555555559cfc in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffc108)
    at /home/steve/Documents/nav2_ws/src/gdb_test_pkg/src/main.cpp:25

In this example you should read this in the following way, starting at the bottom:

  • In the main function, on line 25 we call a function VectorCrash.

  • In VectorCrash, on line 44, we crashed in the Vector’s at() method with input 100.

  • It crashed in at() on STL vector line 1091 after throwing an exception from a range check failure.

These traces take some time to get used to reading, but in general, start at the bottom and follow it up the stack until you see the line it crashed on. Then you can deduce why it crashed. When you are done with GDB, type quit and it will exit the session and kill any processes still up. It may ask you if you want to kill some threads at the end, say yes.

From a Launch File

Just as in our non-ROS example, we need to setup a GDB session before launching our ROS 2 launch file. While we could set this up through the commandline, we can instead make use of the same mechanics that we did in the ros2 run node example, now using a launch file.

In your launch file, find the node that you’re interested in debugging. For this section, we assume that your launch file contains only a single node (and potentially other information as well). The Node function used in the launch_ros package will take in a field prefix taking a list of prefix arguments. We will insert the GDB snippet here.

Consider the following approaches, depending on your setup:

  • Local Debugging with GUI : If you are debugging locally and have a GUI system available, use:

prefix=['xterm -e gdb -ex run --args']

This will provide a more interactive debbuging experience. Example usecase for debugging building upon 'start_sync_slam_toolbox_node' -

start_sync_slam_toolbox_node = Node(
      get_package_share_directory("slam_toolbox") + '/config/mapper_params_online_sync.yaml',
      {'use_sim_time': use_sim_time}
  prefix=['xterm -e gdb -ex run --args'],  # For interactive GDB in a separate window/GUI
  • Remote Debugging (without GUI): If debugging without GUI, omit xterm -e :

prefix=['gdb -ex run --args']

GDB’s output and interaction will happen within the terminal session where you launched the ROS 2 application. Here’s an similar example for the 'start_sync_slam_toolbox_node' -

start_sync_slam_toolbox_node = Node(
      get_package_share_directory("slam_toolbox") + '/config/mapper_params_online_sync.yaml',
      {'use_sim_time': use_sim_time}
  prefix=['gdb -ex run --args'],  # For GDB within the launch terminal

Just as before, this prefix will launch a GDB session, now in xterm and run the launch file you requested with all the additional launch arguments defined.

Once your node crashes, you’ll see a prompt like below, now in the xterm session. At this point you can now get a backtrace, and read it using the instructions in Reading the Stack Trace.

From a Large Project

Working with launch files with multiple nodes is a little different so you can interact with your GDB session without being bogged down by other logging in the same terminal. For this reason, when working with larger launch files, it is a good idea to pull out the specific node you’re interested in and launch it separately.

If your node of interest is being launched from a nested launch file (e.g. an included launch file) you may want to do the following:

  • Comment out the launch file inclusion from the parent launch file

  • Recompile the package of interest with -g flag for debug symbols

  • Launch the parent launch file in a terminal

  • Launch the node’s launch file in another terminal following the instructions in From a Launch File.

Alternatively, if your node of interest is being launched in these files directly (e.g. you see a Node, LifecycleNode, or inside a ComponentContainer), you will need to separate this from the others:

  • Comment out the node’s inclusion from the parent launch file

  • Recompile the package of interest with -g flag for debug symbols

  • Launch the parent launch file in a terminal

  • Launch the node in another terminal following the instructions in Debugging a specific node with GDB.


In this case you may need to remap or provide parameter files to this node if it was previously provided by the launch file. Using --ros-args you can give it the path to the new parameters file, remaps, or names. See this tutorial for the commandline arguments required.

We understand this can be a pain, so it might encourage you to rather have each node possible as a separately included launch file to make debugging easier. An example set of arguments might be --ros-args -r __node:=<node_name> --params-file /absolute/path/to/params.yaml (as a template).

Once your node crashes, you’ll see a prompt like below in the terminal of the specific node. At this point you can now get a backtrace, and read it using the instructions in Reading the Stack Trace.

Debugging tests with GDB

If a C++ test is failing, GDB can be used directly on the test executable in the build directory. Ensure to build the code in debug mode. Since the previous build type may be cached by CMake, clean the cache and rebuild.

colcon build --cmake-clean-cache --mixin debug

In order for GDB to load debug symbols for any shared libraries called, make sure to source your environment. This configures the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

source install/setup.bash

Finally, run the test directly through GDB. For example:

gdb -ex run ./build/rcl/test/test_logging

If the code is throwing an unhandled exception, you can catch it in GDB before gtest handles it.

gdb ./build/rcl/test/test_logging
catch throw

Automatic backtrace on crash

The backward-cpp library provides beautiful stack traces, and the backward_ros wrapper simplifies its integration.

Just add it as a dependency and find_package it in your CMakeLists and the backward libraries will be injected in all your executables and libraries.